May 1, 2023
Kenny and Mike discuss and spot faith reflected in the popular HBO Series The Last of Us. Based on the popular Playstation Video Game, The Last of Us follows Joel and Ellie as they journey through a post-apocolyptic United States and world that is divided into zombies, persons who were infected with an aggressive mold that takes control of the hosts, and tribes or bands of scavenging, non-infected persons fighting each other for resourses and survival.
Faith Notes:
Love Abides. Jesus, as the incarnation came into the world to abide, to live with humanity as humanity. Love abides through good and challenging times. Not mentioned in the podcast: the compound and lives Bill and Frank make together and live in, reflect the peace and place that love provides in the midst of pain, loss, and other difficult aspects of life in a world that is broken.
The nature of the Sacraments, and sacramental elements of important, everyday activities such as meals and traditions.