Apr 14, 2021
In the 3rd of the 4 part series leading up to the 2021 Academy Awards (April 25th) Kenny and Mike offer their thoughts on the nominees, including their favorites, predictions, possible swaps. In addition, they discuss faith elements spotted in the film Another Round for which director Thomas Venterberg is one of the nominees. For faith elements spotted in the other nominees' films see the Faithspotting episodes for the acting nominations.
Faith Issues Spotted in Another Round:
The importance and place of having purpose and meaning in life. Such meaning and purpose, as desired by God impacts the lives of others as well as self and can come through vocation as well as avocation.
Purpose and meaning are especially important when one's life, plans, and hopes, fail to live up to one's expectations.
Purpose, meaning, and passions are often discovered agter intensional examinations of one's interest, skills, and needs of others. Such can also change over time.
Living out of meaning and purpose bring joy and pleasure to God.
Scripture Reference: Jesus recognizes the offering of the poor widow. (Mark 12:41, Luke 21:1)